
The payment must be made directly to ACCOSSATO, unless otherwise agreed.

The Customeris expressed required to make payments within the stipulated terms, without any right to oppose in compensation against claims of every kind.

The delay in payments will accrue interest on arrears applicable at that time. Assuming that it agreed a discount of currency for payment terms (cash discount), the Customer's right to the discount will automatically expire if the day of the deadline set for the enjoyment of the discount, the payment will not be received at the headquarters of ACCOSSATO. POWER OF WITHDRAWAL AND SUSPENSION OF EXECUTION

Both in the case of late payment, and in the case prove to be paid by the customer protests by third parties or other signs of insolvency, the ACCOSSATO reserves the right to terminate the contract in whole (or only for the part being chased) and \ or suspend 'execution.

The above, without any right by the Customer to compensation or compensation and without prejudice to the freedom of ACCOSSATO proceeding with any other measures deemed useful to adopt precautionary or executive.